MIT Press is my publisher for this book

I’m happy to say I’ve signed a contract with MIT Press for this long-in-the-thinking book. It’ll be part of a series edited by my longtime friend and colleague David Weinberger.

I’m especially glad that the book will be done in an open-access format, meaning that it will be available much more widely than traditional publishing normally permits. More details on that to come…

New cybersecurity legislation predictably threatens privacy

Open Technology Institute:

“The Protecting Cyber Networks Act would explicitly undermine every rule that is currently in place to protect Americans’ Internet privacy, and replaces them with dangerously weak protections. It would massively increase companies’ monitoring of our online communications and activities, and give them a nearly blank check to share that information with the government. Once all of that information is in the NSA and FBI’s hands, it could be used in investigations that have absolutely nothing to do with cybersecurity.”